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Security Systems Reduce Bullying

By  | September 16

The American way has always been about people playing to their strengths. Unfortunately, in some cases, without proper parental guidance, some childre...

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Methods For Increasing School Security In Todays Scary World

By  | September 13

It seems as if a person can't turn on the news these days without hearing about another school shooting event happening. Since 1970, there have been o...

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Signs Your Convenience Store Needs A Security Upgrade

By  | September 11

For convenience store owners, security systems are not an option, but a necessity. However, with how quickly technology is advancing the security syst...

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3 Home Security Tips To Follow When Planning A Vacation

By  | September 10

Before you head out the door with only a lock on your front door to protect your entire home, check out these three home security tips you should foll...

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Why Your Waiting Room Needs A Surveillance System

By  | September 9

When many people think of security camera security they think of their home or business, but what about health clinics?  Whether a hospital, doct...

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Is Your Home Protected From Burglars

By  | September 6

(( residents shouldn't have to be afraid in their own homes. However, with the way the world is today, folks continually feel as if somethi...

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Why Security Is Essential to Building Occupants

By  | September 5

With all these advancements in technology, we are finding more and more risk when it comes to our physical and digital security in. Having the right s...

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Why Should I Invest In An Offline Security System?

By  | September 4

WiFi is everywhere, and in today’s modern world, we’ve become more connected to the internet and each other than ever. We do our,((

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Why Do Burglars Target Your Home While You Are On Vacation

By  | September 3

If you’re considering leaving to go on vacation, you should look to protect your home before leaving. Unfortunately, many homes are targeted whe...

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Waterproof Security Cameras Just Make Sense

By  | September 2

Security continues to be a concern for many homes and business owners, and that’s with good reason. Crime is not something that every truly goes...

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Warning Signs That Indicate A Burglar May Be Targeting Your Home

By  | August 30

Unfortunately, burglaries happen quite often in modern society, even right here in. According to a report published by Jacksonville State University, ...

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Buying The Best Security Camera When You Want High Quality

By  | August 29

Keeping your property protected is important, and while local authorities can certainly help, taking additional steps is important. Basic camera syste...

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Prevent Plant Risks With Physical Security Assets

By  | August 28

There are many kinds of plants across the United States that Americans depend on for various things. For instance, power plants ensure that schools, h...

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Does Low Light Surveillance Really Work?

By  | August 27

While today’s security cameras are more high tech, taking better quality footage than ever, they’re not always producing the same quality ...

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3 Ways To Improve Access Control

By  | August 26

Access control is one of the most important aspects of a security system.  Shops need to lock up to make sure people can’t get in at night,...

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